Friday, October 9, 2015

Hazel is Two!

Man, time flies. Everyone tells you at each stage of life to slow down and enjoy the moments and I've found it to be exceptionally true for parenting. Our little baby girl is now a walking, talking, opinionated toddler who officially turns 2 on October 12.

There haven't been any surgeries in the past few months but we still have something for Hazel to do or get done to her just about every week. Last week it was a rapid MRI to do the annual check of her head tube...and later this week she will have speech therapy or physical therapy.  The week after it will be a trip to the cornea place, glaucoma place, visit from ECI or division for blind services.....  Life goes on. 

One thing I wanted to share is that we have some serious concerns over the health of her right cornea. It is getting more cloudy and it's really obvious that she favors her left eye. When Hazel had her first cornea transplant at 3 weeks old our surgeon was very realistic and said that if her corneas were accepted by her body for 2 years than that would be a major win. So I guess we should be happy with how it's gone so far but the thought of putting her through just makes me sick. 

We have an exam under anesthesia scheduled for Monday 10/19 and we are anticipating that our doctor will recommend a cornea transplant in the coming weeks. So if you have an empty space on your prayer list please put Hazel's right eye cornea and left eye pressure on your list as we get closer to the exam.