Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Exam Time Again

Well, it's been a long time since my last post in May...partly because there has not been anything out of the ordinary going on and partly because having two kids is exhausting.  Nonetheless, we're back and blogging again because it's time for another (say it with me now)...EXAM..UNDER..ANESTHESIA!  

Tomorrow morning (Thursday) we are taking Hazel in with a slightly different cast of characters who are looking at her eyes.  The focus this time around is mainly on her right eye; there has been some fluid that accumulated in the back of her eye and we have been visiting our retina surgeon (Dr Spencer) for the last two months or so to keep tabs on it.  The best case scenario is that the fluid and blood that is back there would resolve itself and drain -- but from my experience and seeing how Hazel's body functions...I'm not confident that it will be gone tomorrow.  If that's the case, Dr Spencer will do a minor procedure to remove the fluid that is clouding the vision in that eye.

To add more factors to this equation...poor Hazel had a rough fall at school last week and the frame of her glasses gave her a sizable bruise on the bridge of her nose and a big red scrape down the left side of her nose.  Plus a swollen lip for good measure.  She has also been struggling with sties on both eyes that are painful and take time to heal.  Couple all that together with a change to a new room with older kids at daycare and it has caused her to have a rough week.  

So how is this important?  Well, Hazel isn't a baby anymore and she doesn't forget things...she has been really gun-shy lately and feels the pain on her lip when she eats or wipes her nose.  It's been a bad week for her and I'm worried that she isn't going to handle going to the surgery center as well as she usually does.

I'll close how I usually close, by asking for anyone who takes the time to read this to take the time to pray.  We are praying for a smooth "sleep" and wake-up from the anesthetic, praying for positive results on her eye health (cornea clarity, eye pressure, no other vision impairments) and for Hazel to handle the situation like a champ.  Updates coming tomorrow on the results :)


  1. Praying that everything went well for Hazel. It’s hard to fathom she has been through so much at such young age. May the Lord grant her everything she needs for her treatment and to heal her!
